Sirin Ortanca

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Finding the boldness to wear what you want

Finding the boldness to wear what you want

Written by: Noeila @estilistasuk

Fashion can be scary, it’s way too fast-paced and with the boom of social media and street style it’s harder now than ever to keep up with the latest trends. But the question is, do you even want to keep up with these trends?

I’m a firm believer in personal style and following your instincts. No one knows truly what suits you better than yourself, because everyone—absolutely everyone—has an inner style. If you haven’t quite found yours, try answering the following questions: What are my key pieces of clothing? Is it that pair of comfortable jeans and T-shirt combo? Is it that cute floaty dress? Is it that old battered leather jacket?

Knowing what you’re most comfortable wearing will help to give you confidence in your choices for upcoming seasons, adding the odd accessory to fit in with the latest trends, swapping that pair of comfortable jeans for a pair of comfortable culottes or that battered leather jacket for a season-appropriate suede one.

Do you find that the street style bloggers you follow wear things you just wouldn’t be comfortable wearing? Have a cull. Only follow those that you identify with. Each season, just try to find those few key pieces that they’re wearing that you could add to your existing wardrobe. Don’t copy-cat them! As Oscar Wilde once said: “Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.”

If you are still struggling to find that inner style, why not ask for help? At Estilistas, we aim to help beautiful people just like you to find your personal style and stick to it. Send me an email and I would love to help: