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Why I use Time Paradigm Technique

In this article I’ll be explaining a little about the time paradigm technique I use to help my clients achieve their goals, maintain adaptations they’ve made for the long-term, and feel fulfilled in all aspects of their lives.

Recognising some negative feelings?

I expect you’re already aware that storing negative emotions can massively affect our relationships, career, and success too. Moreover, that they can cause illness, disease even, and other unwanted conditions.

Many of my clients come to me because they are looking to find more happiness, love or fulfilment in their lives, or because they desire more success, financial stability and health. While they are wanting these, they are holding onto emotions that are not serving them. Emotions that are actually keeping them away from achieving what they want.

In order to achieve our goals with ease, and maintain our achievements, it’s very important we clear unhelpful emotions stored in our bodies and create a mindset that helps us move forward.

Many coaches often help their clients find their blocks and then show them how to navigate around these by providing a plan or strategy. This is, of course, a very helpful approach but it misses a huge element out - and that’s true change.

Change has to happen internally, meaning through the unconscious mind, in order to create real, lasting results. This is why my clients achieve major transformations in their lives; because not only do I help them see what is blocking them and how to navigate around them, I help them to release these blocks and create lasting change.

Why does Time Paradigm Technique make a difference?

I often use Time Paradigm Technique (TPT) with my clients because it provides positive, helpful and lasting results. Many professionals including psychiatrists, psychologists, counsellors and social workers use this method to reform unhelpful thoughts.

If you feel like negative emotions have a hold on you, are causing you emotional challenges, stress and problems, then Time Paradigm Technique can help you to gain emotional control of your life, release sadness, anger, guilt, fear or hurt, and help you find clarity on what you really want.

  • Would you like to release your unwanted negative emotions? Feelings such as anger, sadness, fear, hurt and guilt? It is possible to release traumas from the past in a matter of minutes without re-living them for days, months or even years.

  • Would you like to overcome your limiting beliefs? Thoughts such as: “I’m not loveable”, “I can’t do it”, “I am a failure”, “I can’t make money’, or any other limiting boundaries that your subconscious mind is holding on to? It is possible to make a paradigm shift.

Time Paradigm Technique helps you to remove unwanted negative emotions, gain so much more emotional freedom, while also giving you the opportunity to remove limiting beliefs and then learn how to use the time line to design and visualise how you would like your future to be instead.

How does Time Paradigm Technique work?

First of all, think of a paradigm as a model created to explain why something is the way it is. Now think of a chain with interlocking links. The Time Paradigm Technique is built on the principle that since birth, we store all our emotions in linked sequences. Each emotion has its own chain, and every time we experience that same emotion, it tags that emotion to the corresponding chain in our memory.

All memories of anger are linked together in our brain, so we use this technique to confront each negative emotion. When we break the first link of the chain at the very beginning, by identifying the very first time you experienced that emotion, all the other links fall away as there’s nothing left for them to cling to.

Time Paradigm Technique doesn’t delete the memory of the events, but releases the emotional charge connected to the memory. Many of the memories you may not even remember consciously because they could have happened whenyou were a child, and so with this technique we use the unconscious mind instead.

So how can Time Paradigm Technique help you?

  • It resolves stored negative emotional challenges from your past by releasing the emotional charge.

  • You can delete limiting beliefs which may be currently holding you back from achieving the things you want.

  • It helps you to get more emotional freedom as you are able to delete the unwanted negative emotions you have been storing.

  • You can delete the obstacles that are currently preventing you from building success and finding fulfilment.

  • Ultimately, it is a technique used to help you design the future you want as you are able to set goals and design a whole new way of seeing the future.

Does it sound like this could be of help to you?

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