2 Ways to Manifest the Body & Health you want now

OOOHHH this wonderful word-’manifesting’. First let’s get clear about what this means, well to me anyway. The word manifesting to me means creating what you want, and what you want coming to life in reality. The way it is done is by you feeling you are already experiencing whatever it is you are wanting in the present moment: now. For example, if you are desiring a soulmate and want to manifest one but are feeling lonely, rejected, abandoned, you must learn to tune into the feelings of feeling love, loved, desirable, passion, and experiencing them now. As you experience them now, you become a match for it and it is drawn to you energetically and also created through your actions.

So, when I talk about manifesting the body and health you want, I mean the same as above, If you feel fat, frumpy, lethargic, bad, guilty, heavy etc, you won’t be able to manifest and create the body and health you desire.

At the same time you can't manifest the body, the health and the well-being that you want from a state of lack, which means that you cannot manifest and create the body, the health and the well-being that you want from restrictions, deprivation, punishment, rigidity or from starving yourself.

In this article I share my 2 top tips to help you manifest the body and the health you want now. It’s time to make getting what you want so much easier and more joyful.

If you’ve ever decided to go on a diet, decided to do intermittent fasting, decided to do a detox, a cleanse, or a rigid exercise programme you may have found you managed to do it for a certain amount of time, because you had the motivation, energy, willpower and determination to do it. But, as the days, and weeks go on, it becomes harder and harder. Why? Well, when you do this you're coming from a place of pain, you are feeling a sense of lack, negativity, you running away from negative emotions and being driven by that. And, when you do it this way achieving your goals becomes so much harder.

Have you ever had thoughts like:

  1. ‘I can’t eat carbs because I need to lose weight’

  2. ‘ I mustn’t eat any sugar because i will get fat’

  3. ‘I can't have this or I can’t have that’

  4. ‘I’ve got to go to the gym or run to get fit’

  5. ‘Exercising is so hard and difficult’

  6. ‘I hate my body’

  7. ‘I hate my stomach, thighs, arms, legs etc’

    ‘I mustn't do this. This is bad. That’s not good. I can’t have this. I can’t have that. I hate this about myself. I am fat, ugly, chubby, chunky, so not sexy’, etc etc etc.

    All these thoughts and emotion of pain, of suffering, or guilt, of restrictions and shame. What happens? You end up running away from pain and pain becomes your motivator. Now, you may think that’s motivating, and maybe it might be for a couple of weeks, but then, because you are motivated by pain, the motivation quickly dwindles.

    Why? Well you probably will have created not just a food or exercise plan that is rigid, restrictive, depriving, unrealistic or unsustainable, you are also carrying emotions that are not energising, or lifting you up. You are not only being physically weighed down by your emotions (lets talk about that in another blog) but you are energetically making achieving your goals so much harder.

    Making sense?

    I hope so! If not and you want to ask me more questions please feel free to DM me here.

    Now, I have shared the theory behind why it’s been so hard to have the body and health you desire, here are two very simple but HUGE BREAKTHROUGH ways to change this. If you really do follow them, honestly you will experience huge shifts and transformations in your body and health.

    2 Ways to Manifest the Body & Health you want

    1. Learn to feel good about yourself now; this is absolutely key to manifesting the health and body you desire. You must learn to feel good about you, your body and your health now. To feel happy, joyful, enough, worthy, relaxed, satisfied, fulfilled, and light now. When you do this, it becomes so much easier. When you feel good now, you actually are motivated to do more. You can not manifest from lack. You can only manifest from feeling what you want in the future now.

    2. Move towards pleasure: if genuinely you do this, achieving the body and health you want is going to be so easy, joyful and will actually last. No more yo-yo dieting. No more up and down with your weight and health. Your focus is to be on doing health in the most pleasurable, joyful and easiest ways. In ways that fit into your lifestyle with ease. Doing exercise that is realistic for you and actually fun. Eating in healthier ways that are delicious, nutritious and simple. When you are motivated by pleasure everything you do becomes so much more sustainable and therefore your results and motivation last.

Where do you think you are sabotaging yourself?

What do you feel you need to focus on to manifest the body and health you want?

What support or guidance do you think you need?

Do you resonate with any of the above?

For those of you who are really desiring to create more of the body you desire, and more of the health you want then I would love to invite you to Body Beautiful. You can read more about this super supportive programme here.

If you are looking for something shorter and with less one to one support then you you may find this 4 week online programme really helpful. You can check it out here.

So, as you finish reading this, mentally note your two focuses; learning to feel good now and moving towards pleasure, and when you do this you will manifest the body and health you want with so much more ease.

Want to get in contact or ask me a question? I’d love to hear from you; info@worldofwonderful.co.uk

Your coach,

Sirin Ortanca

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