Am I too sensitive?

And is being sensitive really a bad thing?

The shortest and most simplest of answers is NO! See the truth is, the key is in learning how to use your sensitivity to your advantage, ensuring that your sensitivity is channelled to become your super power and not to overwhelm you.

Many people will use the words ‘you’re just too sensitive’, very loosely, and in more of a derogatory way. How do I know? Well it has happened to me countless times, all through my younger years; and that really was damaging!

It is true, I most definitely am a sensitive person; I have a super sense of smell, I have a highly sensitive palette, I can feel people’s emotions and energy, I am truly empathetic, and I feel my own emotions very very strongly. You can read more about highly sensitive people here. Or take this test to see if you are a HSP personality!

Now, at the age of 33 I now see that being ‘too sensitive’ as my insane SUPER POWER, and that is a very empowering feeling; quite different to feeling bad for being sensitive.

So the question is how did I go from feeling bad about being a sensitive soul to actually being rather delighted with this gift? Well, firstly, by ensuring that I was able to use my strong emotions in a way that helped me instead of hindering. For example several years ago, if another person was feeling very sad, I would feel their emotion so strongly and it would bring me into a downward spiral. However, now, I am able to see their emotion/pain and use my sensitivity to help the person to a happier, healthier place.

Secondly, by removing other people’s opinions about sensitivity, and deciding to see being ‘too sensitive’ differently, I was able to feel that sensitivity was a strength of mine You see, the thing is, people who are not sensitive see and feel the world very differently; based on their DNA, their upbringing, their conditioning etc, so for them to see and feel the world as we do, with such detail and intensity, can really feel ‘too much’ for them. AND that is totally ok, because their world is not your world, and you are allowed to feel, be and do you!

So, is it time that you decided that being sensitive was your strength instead of your weakness? If yes, then keep reading…

I want to share 3 ways with you today, that will get you saying ‘THANK YOU’ to those who tell you, you are just ‘too sensitive’. Sounds good? Check out my 3 top tips:

  1. Make a list of all the reasons why sensitivity is an advantage to you. Here are some of mine; makes me an extremly considerate person, allows me to make really meaningful connections and relationships, makes me a really good listener, all my senses are heightened which means maximised enjoyment (smells of chocolate, coffee, flowers are so much more enjoyable for me), and i am emotionally really intelligent. So there is just a few! Now get writing yours!

  2. Know that others opinions about you and being sensitivity are simply just their opinions. It is not the truth, it is only their truth, and for that reason it is not your responsibility to take on their opinions. The only opinions that matter are your own, so get writing that list above.

  3. Realise why the world needs more people like you. Being sensitive allows you to understand, connect, and have deep insights about yourself and humanity, and the world definitely needs more of that right now.

You see, being sensitive really is a great thing, it is just about ensuring you are seeing it is a power of yours instead of a weakness. As I say, get to know yourself and like what you know!

If you would like more tips on learning to love yourself, stepping into your strengths and building your confidence, why not send me an email here or find out how you can work with me.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Your coach,

Sirin xxx

Sirin Ortanca