Being your own soulmate is your Superpower

Want to know why being your own soulmate is your superpower? Keep reading…

With consistent lockdowns, quarantining and isolation, finding a partner in 2020, and now 2021 has proven to many people, to be a right challenge. In November loneliness reached record levels; you can read more about it here. Times like this make us feel the need for love and connection more than ever, and for sure us humans need it. But the thing is, you only want it if it is really really good. No more settling, no more unfulfilled relationships & no more feeling lonely. The answer is in becoming your own soulmate.

For those of you who are signed up to my self-love tips (if you are not you can join here) you know that when you change the way you feel about yourself, you can begin inviting more love into your life & be your own soulmate. I shared how my client Anna met her partner after 4 sessions of working with me on her belief systems & changing her relationship to herself.

I invited you to begin thinking about how you can become your own soulmate. It doesn’t matter whether you are single, taken or its complicated, you see, when you feel that every part of you is worthy, loveable, acceptable, enough and can have what she desires, you step into your superpower-the power of self-love. Want to learn how you can begin inviting more love into yoru life? You can find out here.

The power of self-love & being your own soulmate.

When you love yourself, and realise that no one else can ever love you as much as you can, you become so damn magnetic, that love just begins to pour in and you receive so much of it. So this this week I want to share with you how you can begin this process of falling deep in love with you, all that you are, and how you can become your own soulmate.

Does this mean you won’t ever want or have a partner? Of course not. But what it means is that you won’t need one, you, therefore, will never settle for less than you want, when you have one it will be fulfilling & your life will be filled with love inside and out. No more loneliness, no more compromising for less than, no more lonely Sundays & no more sadness.

Remember, the greatest love connection you will ever experience is the connection with love itself.

One of the first steps in becoming your own soulmate is to celebrate your beauty . The more you celebrate your unique self, the easier it will be to become your own soulmate. And guess what? You know that like attracts like, so the more you feel a deep sense of love for yourself, and can be your authentic self, the easier it will be to magnetise the right soulmates for you.

Are you ready to know some of the key ways you can become your own soulmate?

  1. The first thing I would invite you to do is to ask yourself why falling in love with yourself first is so important.? When you know your why, you can stay connected to this intention and it gives you the motivation & ease to follow through.

  2. Now, ask yourself, what does it mean to be your own soulmate & what can you do to begin loving yourself more? What action steps can you take. Write at least 5.

  3. Now I want you to begin connecting to your beauty (remember beauty is more than physical experience, it can be kindness, a smile; it is a way of being, and, seeing with beauty allows you to feel love). So begin thinking about what beauty you can see, feel, taste and touch on your own body. Your body is your temple-literally. Begin to feel its beauty.

  4. Beauty is not what the media tells us & believing them can leave you feeling rather not beautiful. Now, it is time to begin bringing your unique beauty forward & accentuating what is yours; whether that be your hair, your lips, your smile, your breasts, your feet, begin to accentuate your own beauty. Dress it, cream it, paint it, show it, let it shine.

  5. Now, check your inner dialogue. How are you talking to yourself in the mirror? Ask yourself what your best friend would say, and begin to give yourself the same kinds of compliments.

  6. Take 10 minutes & find a comfortable place to lie down. Think of the love that you have for someone you truly, deeply love (doesn’t have to be a partner, can be anyone you really love). Put your hands on your heart & begin to feel that love you have for them, that emotion. Now, using that emotion, begin to send that love to each part of your body, body part by body part. You may see it as a pink compassionate light; send that love energy from the tips of your toes to the top of your head. Bathe yourself in the energy & frequency of love.

There are many ways of becoming your own soulmate, falling in love with you and stepping into your superpower, and beginning with feeling your own beauty is just one (there are many many other ways to begin feeling beautiful too). The more you feel an intense feeling of self-acceptance and love for yourself, the more you will live feeling fulfilled & be in loving, fulfilling relationships.

I would love to know which tip is your favourite today so leave a comment and let me know. If you would like to know more about how you can stop settling, start to feel empowered & begin calling in more of what you want, hit then send me an email at:

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In the meantime, focus on your beauty, Sirin xxx